A virgin post

I am that kind of person who likes to tie things up with fate. Like how I believe in love at first sight, like how I believe in how things would be yours if they are meant to be yours, and like how I believe each of us has our own destiny, an end that will be ours whether we fight it or not.
And perhaps, I am secretly harboring an illusion that this blog would lead my dream girl to me. Oh yes I am still single, but do not confuse that with desperate. I am not desperate, and I am not some pathetic and ugly guy, shyly hiding in a corner, waiting for someone to take pity. None of that. To put it objectively, I think I am good looking enough, definitely not shy, high enough in IQ and vocal enough when I want to. I would think too that I make an ideal boyfriend, husband and father. "What's my age", you might ask... somewhere between 20 and 30. Any more information about me - you would have to follow up on my blog. Likely, my tongue would loosen when I get drunk - either on occasional dose of alcohol, or just air. You do know we can get drunk on air right?
Are you still with me? Or have you gotten lost navigating through my English. If so, too bad - it is likely that you are not in my frequency range. And if that's the case, just scram or read and try to understand quietly. But if you want to make any comments - whether regarding this post or my future posts, just post them. I don't mind you criticising me even - anything I say, feel free to shoot it down. I have updated the settings to allow anyone to post their comments - and that includes you.
And for now, I need to search around to see if there are any decent template I can use, other than this current one. If you have any to recommend, please drop me a comment or mail - I would be immensely grateful to you, for maybe a min or 2. Cheers.
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