Monday, December 13, 2004

"Everything I do, I do it for you"

This is my second post and the momentum is still riding high. I am listening to Gold 90.5 FM now. That tells you a little bit more about me right? I don't like spelling out everything - either you know or you don't.

And this song, "Everything I do, I do it for you" gives me the sweet, warming feeling. I like this kind of songs - that's why I tune in to this station. Via the internet radio of course - since I am strapped with cables.

I like all those old songs - be it English or Chinese, or even Hokkien, I simply love them. I even listen to Malay or Indian or Japanese songs sometimes. As long as the music is right, anything goes.Music breaks all barriers. An old saying yes, but I agree totally.

And when I am feeling extreme, I turn on punkie and rockie music - those kind that scream in your ears and threatens to drive a stake through your heart. When I am feeling down, I don't care. Kill me if you dare.

So, do you like music too? I hope you do. The world is already a sad enough place; without music, we are not even giving hope a chance to flicker.


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