Monday, March 28, 2005

Tardiness of Google

I don't know what Google is up to these days.

I am an ardent fan of Google and a vocal supporter of them in front of my friends. Oh yes, I have condemned Yahoo countless times because of their substantial lapses too.

The thing is, Gmail has stopped dishing out new features. Blogger is down quite often - like just a min back, I wrote a post and the page just went blank after submitting. Pressing the "Back" button clear the page and I can't be bothered to rewrite what I had written. And after leaving this blog for quite some time, I am awfully impressed when the "internal search engine" failed to turn up any results when I tried the keywords found on this blog.

Can someone tell me what's happening to Google? Has getting rich gone to their head? Do they no longer care about customer service? I surely hope that it is just the calm before the storm - the storm of creative revolution that Google will start once more...


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