Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Money is the root of all evil

Money is the root of all evil.

Haven't we all heard of this famous saying? Don't ask me who said it - to me, this is not extremely crucial. Hell, I say so many things a day that people quote from time to time too. :P

So, has anyone REALLY pause, and take a step back to reflect on this statement? To me, this statement elicits a very straight-forward response. If money is the root of all evil, the only way to beat this evil is to control it. Yes, don't act dense. You have always wanted to be rich, haven't you?

Sincerely, I hope that you will be rich. If it is within my power, I hope that everyone will be rich - rich in the sense that their basic necessities are met and they have no need to worry about the next bill every day and night. When I pray to my God, I pray too that he would make the world a better place, for me and for everyone else. (His phone is off the hook still, I think.)

When I am really rich, you can be assured that I will do more than my fair bit to help the world, and mankind at large. The world is really a very sad place - there are too many people who care only about themselves. But this is something no one can really fault - I care first and foremost about myself too. There is a Chinese saying that only when there is a country, there is a home, and only when there is a home, there is us. Something along that line. Logical yes, but without us, there is no home, and without home, there is no country. It is back to the chicken and egg issue. Blah blah.

So like I said, it all still boils down to money. If you are rich, you are the king, you are the world. In fact, I have always wondered why God must make us take the long route in life. If we follow the career of someone relatively successful (the majority of the role models), you can see that by the time he can really be considered rich, he is already quite "old". We need to work so hard before we can be financially free - and by the time we are financially free, there are so many things we can no longer do because of our age. This doesn't make sense to me at all.

When I get married and have kids, I would want to give them the best - though not in an over-pampered kind of way. I told you I would make a good father. What I cannot have, I want my kids to have. What I have [READ: WORRIES], I would wish my kids not to have.


Blogger Blog ho said...

If I were rich, I'd hire younger dancing girls to shower me with sex and candy.

12:43 AM  
Blogger I speak with my voice said...

Woohoo, I am so excited. Someone is actually reading this. I seriously hope that I have not created an userid of "Blog ho" when I was daydreaming.

So pal, if you were rich, you would hire some young lasses to sex you up? But really, if you were REALLY rich, they would be queuing to fawn on you automatically.

So the one thing you need to do now is to BE RICH.

12:50 AM  
Blogger Blog ho said...

LOL. True. I don't know. If pressed for a real answer, things shift a bit. I suppose I'd work on the great American novel and move to San Diego where the sun always shines.

1:19 AM  
Blogger I speak with my voice said...

You do NOT need to move to San Diego.

Just hop by any convenience store and grab a torch - then hook it somewhere so that it is always shinning in your face.

Get cracking on your great American dream.

1:24 AM  
Blogger Blog ho said...

You don't like san diego?

3:51 AM  
Blogger I speak with my voice said...

Oh don't get me wrong, I have nothing against this place where the sun shines sweet.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Blog ho said...

How's the weather where you sit?

11:45 PM  
Blogger I speak with my voice said...

Well, we don't need torches where we are - we just switch on the lights. A bit primitive but yes, we get by..

1:03 PM  

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